Building for Real Life

Delivering Predictable Results

Enerfab is an ASME Section VIII Div. 1 and 2 steel plate fabricator of critical process tanks and vessels for various industries. Our skilled craft and the latest fabrication technology and innovation provide the highest value for our clients.

Enerfab’s history of designing and fabricating process equipment dates back more than 100 years. We have evolved over the last century, introducing new capabilities, innovative processes, and larger fabrication facilities. However, our commitment to producing lasting and trusted equipment has never wavered.

What We Fabricate

Half-Pipe enerfab
Half-Pipe Vessels &
With in-house engineering, continuous half-pipe welding, and decades of industry-leading expertise, we understand the complexities and critical fabrication procedures required to maximize the life cycle of our client’s process equipment.
Fermentation & Bio Fermentation Vessels
From our long history in brewing to our latest advances in bio fermenting, we’re leaders in engineering and fabricating large-scale fermentation vessels to take advantage of economies of scale to lower the cost of our client’s production process.
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& Towers
Capacity matters for your large, fabricated process columns. We have the shop space, experience, barge delivery, and field assembly options to accomplish your biggest challenges.
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Storage Tanks
& Vessels
Our shop capacity enables us to offer favorable deliveries of large, multiple storage vessel projects. Our strategic locations in the Midwest and Gulf Coast and barge loading capabilities reduce transportation costs for our clients.
Installed carboxylators. Blue sky shows in the background.
High Alloy & Corrosion Resistant Vessels
Enerfab specializes in high-temperature, nickel, duplex, 6-moly, and other corrosion-resistant alloy materials. With degreed welding engineers and metallurgists on staff and as MTI (Materials Technology Institute) members, we are positioned to tackle our clients' process corrosion challenges head-on.
Tubular Reactors / Heat Exchangers
Tubular Reactors & Heat Exchangers
Fabricating heat exchanger-type reactors isn’t just about welding expertise, although we have that. We understand the custom fabrication of this equipment involves a carefully planned fabrication sequence to ensure the schedule is met with the highest quality.
Evaporators & Crystallizers
Enerfab works with all the major OEM technology providers for the evaporation and crystallization process equipment.